Thursday 18 November 2010

Bohemian Waxwing

I'm still waiting excitedly for my first Waxwing of the year. It's a big invasion year but so far the vast majority of birds are still lingering in the northern half of the country and although there have been a few brief sightings reported locally as yet no birds have chosen to stick around. Driving through the country lanes I've been scanning the berry laden hedgerows and as I work I have been listening out for that beautiful shivering trill, but so far without success. These lovely birds always stir the imagination with romantic images of the vast Northern Coniferous forests, so it seems ironic that we usually end up seeing them in the grim surroundings of a business estate or supermarket car-park. These photos were taken in February 2009 in the slightly more upmarket environs of Woburn town centre, but sadly they do not really do these stunning birds justice. Waxwings seem to soak up the cold winter sun and positively glow, but sadly the Sorbus (Rowan) that these birds favoured remained in shadow despite it being a clear bright day. Fingers crossed for some better shots this winter!

Bohemian Waxwing Bombycilla garrulus, Woburn (21/02/2009)

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